maya: is this thing on umm [mic tapping noise]

maya: um ok this is an interview with a friend of mine about their.. unique power. say hi, skulls!

skulls: hi.. human internet people!

maya: lets get into the questions!! first off, how did you get here?

skulls: wow um. thats like a really loaded question. like uhhmm. i guess what got me exiled from eden was. many many years ago in eden there was this serial killer.

they had this like. calling card? where they would cut off the limbs of their victims. i was really fu--wait am i allowed to swear on here.

maya: yeah go for it

skulls: ok cool. anyway i was really fucking drunk one night and i saw this. this radiant light. this form with too many eyes, calling to me through the dark. this angel. and in my drunken moronic stupor i followed them. i woke up 12 hours later in a puddle of my own blood. with no limbs. i was scared and cold and in pain and all i could do was writhe. but i was alive somehow.

maya: god, that sounds horrible, im so sorry that happened to you.

skulls: i mean like. yea it sucked at the time but i think my life here now is better than it ever was in eden. in oblivion ive learned to get past my fear of. anything really. nothing can hurt me in a way that matters so like.. nothing is scary anymore. and i think thats really cool.

maya: oh yeah that reminds me!!! youve been trying to die in a bunch of different ways, right?

skulls: yea.

maya: so what have you tried so far?

skulls: um. so like. ive died via beheading, hanging, stabbing, kidney failure, blunt force trauma, a few types of poison, overdose, alcohol poisoning, explosion, implosion, run over by a train, jumping off a building. whatever. theres a lot and i really dont wanna list them all. i die a lot.

maya: thats.. completely understandable!! out of the causes of death youve tried, whats your fave?

skulls: ive been used as a living crash test dummy a few times. thats really really fun lol.

maya: oh i can imagine how that would be fun actually i bet getting run over would feel like one of those like autism steamroller things but like .. x10000!!

skulls: oh hell yea it does. i love getting my bones fucking crushed out of existence by a big ass truck. cathartic as hell.

maya: so jealous u get to experience that... i only get to die once and itll probly be something LAAAAMEEE

skulls: cringe..

maya: ummm. back to the serious interview..!! the next question should be, umm.. what does dying feel like?

skulls: wow that is a tonal shift um lemme think. i guess.. the first sensation is something sorta like falling? and then it feels like disappearing and being like. one with everything. every time i die it feels like. like everything becomes clear and i can see the universe for what it really is. death is a high like none other.

maya: wow thats. profound.

skulls: i mean, death is a pretty profound thing. all-consuming, even.

maya: i guess so! um. i think this concludes our interview, unless you have something in particular you wanna say, skulls?

skulls: not really.

maya: okay then!!! i guess um. this is maya, signing off!!

author's note:

hi this is jade, um! thank you for reading! if im being completely honest, i think this could be a hell of a lot better than it is, and im super super sorry about how long this took to make, but im fairly happy with it! PS.. if you click on one of the images on this page, you might find something :]