06/18/2022 | an introduction!

well um. hi. i found this computer that i guess can access the internet of the human world, and my new human friend wanted me to write a blog on her website showing you around my world, so.. here goes nothing!!

first off, i think i should introduce myself. my name is maya, and im a demon. now ive been told that demons have a bit of a negative connotation in the human world but i promise there isnt anything to be scared of lol

look! nothin scary about me, just a cute girl ;3

anywayyy. the world i live in is actually alot like urs probably just a lil more magic. the two predominant sentient species here r demons (like me) and anthropormophic (i spelled that wrong i think lawl) animals. any1 here can do magic but demons r made of pure magic so we have a natural affinity for it!

i live in one of three large floating city-state-island-thingies in my world. the one i live in is called oblivion, and its populated largely by exiles from the other two city-states, inferno and eden

additionally, its a somewhat common belief here that the denizens of our world are reincarnated from yours. people here sometimes report having unusually vivid dreams about a past life where they were odd fleshy creatures, with no horns, scales, fur, or tails to speak of, and rounded ears on the sides of their head, living in a world with a single, freakishly bright sun, and thousands of miles of empty fields.

despite this, the human world and ours seem not to overlap much. there have been human sightings, but nobody really knows how humans get here, let alone human world objects such as the very laptop im typing this on right now.

that um. that concludes my first blog entry i think. if anyone has questions about the world i come from, they can leave them in the guestbook of this website and ill try and get to them :3 i hope to post here again soon!